Friday, May 18, 2012

Last concert!

Today has been a LONG day and we're nowhere close to done. First buses just left the's 349 am here. I'm about to lose my wireless so I'm going to just post a bunch of pictures from the day. Enjoy!!

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. How awesome it has been to read your daily posts. I have really enjoyed reading and seeing the pics. The wind ensemble performance was great!! Thanks again adam.

  2. ARRIVEDERCI !!! Great emotions lived by your Music , thank you for all and I prayer : come back in Italy as soon as possible !!!
    Un applauso

  3. Adam, I agree with ^^Lisa, I have really enjoyed this blog during the trip! I'm sure there were lots of parents that read it but didn't comment. You just don't know how special it was for us to share in the trip. You have a real gift for writing!
